Bewegungsmelder, der das Leselicht im Nachbarraum steuert

Handschriftliche Kopie eines Benutzerhandbuches für einen E-Bookreader in der Karolingischen Minuskel, 44 Seiten

Stahl, Hammerschlaglack
The 44 pages large book shows a handwriting copy of a user manual of an e-book-reader. It is written with nib and ink in the Carologian minuscule and printed in 2 colors with a risograph.
The book is shown on a double bookrest made from thin metal square-type tubes, coated in hammer effect enamel.
A fluorescent tube enables reading in the otherwise dark exhibition space. The light is controlled by a short timed motion detector in the other room which serves as the entrance to the show. Two autonomous sculptures with chin rests are placed besides the bookrest to counter this frantic and concurrent activity .